Through massage, we can increase mobility, decrease pain and inflammation, relieve muscle spasms, break up adhesions, and increase an animal’s quality of life. Massage can be a valuable therapy for any pet, whether to help with aging concerns and pain or simply to keep them conditioned and agile.
We are happy to announce that we are now offering massage and rehabilitation therapy at Creature Comforts. Both Dr. Miller and Vicky are certified veterinary massage and rehabilitation therapists, completing a post-graduate study at the Healing Oasis Wellness Center. Dr. Miller has been certified in massage and rehabilitation since 2003, and Vicky recently graduated in 2018. Within the next few months, we will have more information in regards to our complete rehabilitation program and the upcoming new building expansion set to break ground in spring 2018. You can read about our rehabilitation and massage program by clicking here.
During the remainder of March and April, we would like to extend a special introductory offer for animal massage to our Creature Comforts clients. Your pet must be current on an annual exam and rabies vaccine and also approved by Dr. Miller or Dr. Mulvihill to receive massage services.
Appointments can be made with Vicky on Wednesday afternoons and some Saturday mornings, but space is limited. Schedule allowing, other times may be available.
Client Massage Special
$25 per session
*Sessions run approximately 30 minutes
*Massage packages available at regular price